What our clients are saying

Hear from our client's about the level of service you can expect at Northrup
Terry Michaelson
CEO, Widmer Brothers Brewing Co.

The first thing that comes to mind is the level of personal services your company provides. We have had others make a great sales pitch but then miss the mark. You deliver the service just as promised. That has been very important to us.

Another attribute that sets your company apart is how you handle different issues that arise. You are able to help with practical approach in contrast to the canned, or formula, approach we notice from others.

We have also been pleased with the level of general business counsel you bring to the table. Naturally we expect insurance counsel but you also take it a step further. We have been pleased with the information you have given us above and beyond insurance issues.

Finally, I would like to compliment you on the level of professional advice you provide Widmer Brothers Brewing Company. We have been very pleased regarding your level of assistance with our programs. We have saved premium dollars but on top of that we have also always felt that we had your undivided attention.

Bill Baumann
Director, Human Resources

Columbia’s record of success in reducing worker’s comp injuries and expenses (a mod factor reduction from 1.57 to 0.94) is directly tied to your efforts five years ago by connecting us with a worker’s comp company that could actively help us.

You understood our situation and more importantly, understood the kinds of companies out there that could provide us the service we needed. The record speaks for itself. Your continuing involvement has helped me greatly in rate negotiations, plan design options, and even “shopping” the business when it was prudent to obtain competitive quotes. Your own insurance underwriting experience has helped me understand the negotiation process through the eyes of someone on the other side of the table — a valuable experience.

But of all the good things I can say, probably the one that stands out the most is your customer service. I don’t think I know of another vendor with whom we do business who keeps Columbia’s interests foremost in their minds the way you do.

Your knowledge of the insurance industry coupled with your constant desire to do what’s best for us is an unbeatable combination. That attitude is also displayed in the promptness with which you respond to calls or faxes when we have questions. The fact that you listen to what we say helps you greatly in providing excellent service. And your diplomatic way of disagreeing when you have a better idea is also an attribute.

Graziano Produce Co.
Michael A. Temple
Chief Financial Officer

I am pleased to be able to speak the capabilities of Pete and his firm. I have had experience with Pete and his company as CFO both at Graziano’s formerly at the Yoshida Group. At Graziano’s, we have just moved our insurance representation from another firm to Northrup Corporation. Pete gained an overall forty percent cost saving for us and at the same time, increased the thoroughness of our coverage. The largest savings were in areas of automobile/truck and product liability coverage. At the Yoshida Group, Pete achieved substantial savings for us both at the time we moved our insurance to his representation and at subsequent renewal points thereafter. That company was a complex entity from an insurance point of view, in that it was made up of five separate operating companies, active in such diverse areas as manufacturing, air freight forwarding and underwater seafood harvesting.

He was especially helpful with negotiating our workers’ compensation coverage and with advising us on employee classifications to minimize premiums.

I rely on Pete and his staff as valued professional advisors. They take the time to really understand our business and bring a wealth of knowledge to bear both in determining our insurance needs and in dealing with the day-to-day administration of our policies.

Pete builds strong relationships between the client and the insurance carrier’s underwriters. I attribute a lot of his ability to deliver favorable renewal quotes on an ongoing basis to this relationship building. Whether dealing with claims or providing requested information, Pete and his staff are extremely responsive to our needs. I always feel like a valued client.

John C. Hart
Chief Financial Officer

I have had the opportunity to work with Pete over the past ten years at two former employers.    

In both instances Peter was a tremendous asset in making the complex world of insurance understandable and less complicated. In addition, he was able to save us money!

However, by far the most important quality that Pete and his organization have is customer service.

I have never dealt with an individual or an organization that provides the prompt and accurate service that Northrup Corporation does.

Pete puts his clients first and he treats all of his customers as if they were the most important. Never once did Pete fail to deliver, and always on time.Pete and his organization are a class act and I look forward to doing business with him again in the future.